Lake Calavera Preserve

Lake Calavera Preserve is a ~260 acre Carlsbad city natural open space area for hikers and dogs (only on leash) as well as mountain bikers.  It is the largest remaining contiguous natural area in coastal north county.  It is bordered on the south by the state Carlsbad Highland Ecological Reserve (not open to mountain bikers) and to the east and west by residential developments.

This preserve is part of Carlsbad’s Habitat Management Plan – a regional conservation plan used to comply with federal and state laws to protect threatened and endangered species.  This area has touched the hearts of many.  The video below is one perspective by a former resident who shared her memories.

Video by Autumn Reeser

For more information on different aspects of the Lake Calavera Preserve, check out the following links:

The Geology of Calavera Hills – by John Turbeville of Mira Costa College

Current plant list 2-2016 (James Dillane).

October 29, 2013 CBS News 8 story on this area:  Carlsbad’s Hidden Gem:  Lake Calavera

Signage at the preserve:  4 new signs are now posted on the preserve.  The one closest to the dam access on wildlife was sponsored by Preserve Calavera.  Others include one on native plants, the volcano and the Agua Hedionda watershed.  See all of them below:

Preserve Calavera sponsored sign along boardwalk

Preserve Calavera sponsored sign along boardwalk


side panel

side panel

Preserve Calavera sponsored sign near dam

Calavera Lake Trails Signage 10-2--13 001 (2)


On the dam


James Dillane of CNPS leading hike

Native plant hike (2)